A Little Message About Hope

Good morning sweet sweet friends, 

I have a bit of sunshine to share with you this morning....

Though it is officially the beginning of Autumn, I think the rest of the earth is still celebrating summer. A unique, in-between stage actually. September, I feel, is a special season all in itself, transitional to be exact. It is neither summer nor fall, it is in-between. I'm in a September in my life too. Transitional. 

I'm a believer in living in the present and part of that means celebrating each season as it is and not rushing into the next. In our lives it can be frustrating to be in a place of unknowns... will there be a change, will the winter ever end, will the flowers bloom? Let's face it - transition is such a hard place to be in! 

I can't tell you exactly what - But I know the Lord has a specific purpose for "in-between" seasons because He is the orchestrator of all things. There are tid bits of trust and dependance and childlike faith tied into this time and I think it can be a truly joyfulcarefree while. I have experienced beautiful excitement and fulfillment as I put my hope in the Lord.

I am sharing this very September bouquet with you to honor this time our lives... A Goldenrod Wildflower bouquet! 

Two Sunday's ago, I got the urge to cut a few stems and make something out of them. I decided to forage some wildflowers and theme my bouquet around them, namely the goldenrods. It was such a beautiful, quite afternoon, as Sunday's are. 

Field to Table | I start with the greens and then put in the pops of color trying to create the shapes and drama I'm looking for in the end result - However every bouquet is a fun surprise! 

As I was writing this post I discovered this wild thing about goldenrods....

Goldenrods scientific name “Solidago” means to make whole or heal.

Whoa! Is this a message for us about what the Lord's purpose can be in transition!? 

I pray over you a special covering of childlike trust in this season that you are in and that you would experience quite amazing joy that would point you to your Father. May healing happen. 

So much love from me to your beautiful heart & our Father above, 

Photo taken by my sweet Papa.

Photo taken by my sweet Papa.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
— Jeremiah 29:11
love shyla

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