My heart is overwhelmed today with love...
1. to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for (another person)
People are sometimes surprised that I like this holiday, since I am single. However, I guess I don't really associate it with having to be in a relationship. Valentine's Day for me is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate one of the things that is most important to me in this world; love.
This morning I woke up and saw one of my favorite scenes in the winter. A fresh layer of snow, making everything white, along with a heavy frost covering every last thing with frosty- diamond like white, and subtle pastels on the horizon. Pastels in the sky are a reminder to me of God's goodness and his promises in my life. I've seen a lot of them in the past two years and this morning it took my breath away. I thought to myself, I should've known that God would take this day for his own ( being that Valentine's fell on the Sabbath :) ).
And He did. I felt overwhelmed this week with a little realization about God. Often we think of Him as big and strong, tough and almighty. We know that His love is unconditional; much like a parent. So, in the love area I think it can feel one sided sometimes. I know that He loves me and cares for me even when I come up flawlessly short. I know he's there in the mess. That's an amazing assurance. But, I had lost touch with the very 'real heart' that God has.
Did you know that God's love is not just on the giving part but also the receiving? Did you know that He is affected by you?
This is the revelation that I got. God is moved by us.
He is overwhelmed by our love, even the faint attempt of our feeble hearts. It moves him, much like Solomon's song...
“You have captivated my heart, my sister, my bride; you have captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace.”
The New American Version says, "you have made my heart beat faster."
God is going through your life with you and he feels for you. He feels the things that you feel, he rejoices with you and he mourns with you. He sympathizes with you when you are frustrated with yourself. When you turn your eyes towards him, if even for a second, his heart is ravished!
God's love is so great for us. I pray that as you read this, you are overwhelmed with the understanding of this kind of love.
That is something to celebrate.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Would you like to see me write on little ways to celebrate and commemorate your life more? If so, leave me a comment below. And as always, you can give me love by clicking the little heart button below. <3